Are You a Caregiver?

I was recently reading a study,”Caregiving in the U.S”* which looked at the number and impact of people in this country who care for or help to care for another adult. With the aging population, more and more of us are involved in caregiving in one form or another. The…

Multigenerational Households

In recent years, more and more people are finding themselves combining households with their parents or adult children. According to a U.S. Census Bureau Report, nearly 4 million American families have three or more generations living together under one roof. This number represents an approximately 60% increase since 2000. There…

Universal Design in the Kitchen

The kitchen has been called the heart of the home. Not only are meals prepared and eaten in the kitchen, but the kitchen often is the natural gathering place in a home. The kitchen table is a symbol of all things related to day to day life. It is important…

Livable Home Tax Credit

As if we weren’t all up to our ears already in dealing with taxes, I am going to talk about a state tax credit that will reimburse you for some of the costs incurred in making your home more accessible. Let me start out by saying I don’t believe that…

A New Bathroom

This month I’m going to highlight a bathroom renovation I recently completed. Like many of us my clients were having trouble with their bathroom. As I’ve talked about many times, the bathroom is one of the most challenging areas of the home as we get older. Getting in and out…

Finding A Good Contractor

Spring is right around the corner, and I think we will all be glad to see it. We’ve had more than our share of snow, ice, and cold weather this winter and everyone (with the possible exception of skiers) has had enough. As we look forward to spring, many people…

Aging in Place – A Home for a Lifetime

What is Aging in Place? The first myth I want to dispel is that Aging in Place is only for old people. We are all aging every day and even young, healthy people have accidents that render them temporarily or permanently incapacitated to one degree or another. The idea of…

New Beginnings

As I am writing this I am looking forward to Christmas, all the sights and sounds and smells and tastes of the season when we take time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and to take stock of the important things in life. By the time you read these…

Home for the Holidays

This is my favorite time of year. The sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of Christmas bring with them such warm thoughts and memories as we celebrate the birth of our Lord. We gather in our friends and families’ home to celebrate the season and enjoy each other’s company. But what…


One of the challenges of working with aging adults who want to stay in their homes as they grow older has been how to effectively assess their homes. We try to determine what home modifications could be done to make their homes safer, more accessible, and more comfortable. Most assessments…

Aging in Place Planning Guide

Download our Aging in Place Planning Guide for our no-nonsense advice about planning your renovations.