Avoiding Falls

Each year in America one in three adults over the age of sixty five falls. That is a staggering statistic! Granted, many of these falls don’t result in permanent injury, but many of them do. Falls are the leading cause of injury death, traumatic brain injury, and fractures in older…

Making a List, Checking it Twice

While this phrase is more closely associated with Christmas and December than it is with January and the start of a new year, I’m talking about a different type of list. The type of list I am referring to is a checklist that you can use to determine how safe…

Custom Curbless Showers

I have been installing custom curbless showers for some time and they are starting to catch on. With the floor, walls, and sometimes the ceiling made of tile, the shower can be any size, color, and texture to match any style or budget. We can install various types of seats,…

Aging in Place Planning Guide

Download our Aging in Place Planning Guide for our no-nonsense advice about planning your renovations.