Thank a Veteran

Thank a Veteran

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month back in 1918, an agreement was reached to suspend hostilities in World War I which was called at the time, “The War to End all Wars.” As we all know, it was not the war to end all…

Multigenerational Housing is Making a Comeback

Multigenerational Housing is Making a Comeback

Multigenerational Housing is back in a big way. Multigenerational households contain three or more generations under one roof or skip a generation, such as grandparents raising their grandchildren without the parents being present. An estimated 67 million Americans, comprising one in four adults over the age of 18 currently live…

Cindy G.

I would recommend Chris and his staff.  I have a disability and they put handicap railings in my bathroom and a railing on my front porch. They also installed a front porch swing. 

Features to look for in a New Home

If after assessing your current home and considering its accessibility features (or lack thereof) you have decided that making a change of venue is in your best interest, it is important to know what to look for in a new home. When looking for a new home in which to…


When I talk to people about making changes to their homes to make them easier to get around, I often run into resistance. People often tell me that they are doing just fine, and they don’t need or want any changes. I get this response even when their loved ones…

Maintain your Independence!

July is when we celebrate Independence Day, otherwise known as the Fourth of July. Fireworks and picnics seem faraway this year, but Independence Day is more important than ever. As you know, Independence Day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia. We celebrate…

Home is Where the Heart is

Home is where the heart is. We have all heard this saying. It suggests that we are most comfortable in our own homes, surrounded by family, memories, comfort, and the furnishings and items that we hold dear. This has always been the case and numerous studies undertaken over a period…

Home Improvements

February is the shortest month of the year. With its short days, long nights, and cold temperatures it is likely that you are spending a lot of time indoors. Hopefully you have a warm fire to curl up in front of. It is a great time to do some thinking…

Aging in Place Planning Guide

Download our Aging in Place Planning Guide for our no-nonsense advice about planning your renovations.