Enjoying the Outdoors

With the summer weather, people are spending more time outdoors. When you are planning an outdoor space, whether it is a deck, a patio, a garden, or even a pool, use Universal Design principles to create outdoor spaces that can be enjoyed by everyone. Start with zero step entries from…

Stay on Your Feet

Housing Matters has always been about promoting independence. We talk about ways to safely and comfortably live independently in our homes throughout the course of our lives. One of the leading causes of losing ones independence is certainly falls. Oftentimes when an older adult falls it is the beginning of…

Sandwich Generation

In the last week and a half I have attended two caregiver conferences. Both of these conferences were presented primarily for family caregivers. The statistics are staggering. There are over one million family caregivers in Virginia, providing over one billion hours of unpaid care per year. Many of these caregivers…

The True Meaning of Christmas

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” These words from the 1822 poem titled A Visit from St. Nicholas but known by most as The Night before Christmas bring to mind memories of good food, fellowship and family gatherings with bright eyed children. Although people have many…

Remember our Veterans

Since November is the month when both Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving occur, it is the perfect time to thank a veteran for their service to our country. Their service too often goes unappreciated or even disdained. The liberties that this nation was founded on are disappearing under our noses and…

Aging in Place Planning Guide

Download our Aging in Place Planning Guide for our no-nonsense advice about planning your renovations.