February is the shortest month of the year. It also tends to be one of the coldest. But that also means that spring is just around the corner. I am spending a lot of time these days reflecting on my life and my business.
I turned sixty last year. I know they say that sixty is the new forty and I feel quite healthy. I walk five miles most every morning, swim 1000 yards several times a week and drink a lot of water. I try to learn new things every day. My walk with the Lord is important to me and I try to draw closer to him on a daily basis.
I run a business that truly makes a difference in the lives of my clients. Yet something about that number 60 makes me want to reflect on the life I have lived and what is ahead. Almost certainly, the number of days I have left on this earth is less than the number of days I have lived here thus far. I have done some things well and there are many things I wish I had done differently. As I reflect on my life some questions that bubble to the surface are, “What are the really important things in life?” “What can I do to get the very most out of every day of my life?” “How can I be a force for good in the lives of the people I touch on a daily basis?”
These are big questions and I don’t pretend that I have the knowledge and wisdom to present a comprehensive answer to any of them. I simply would like to share some of my thoughts on the topic. I think that the two most important things in life are to be sure of our eternal destination and to treat everyone we meet with kindness and love. Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as our self. He also said, “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things (food, clothing, shelter, etc.) will be added unto you. As I write this, I realize that this is the answer to the other two questions as well. What looked like big theological and philosophical questions turned out to have a very simple answer after all.
Just because it is simple, doesn’t mean it is easy. Everyday we are pulled in any number of other directions than the one we should follow. We are bombarded my messages constantly that distract us and pull us off course. To persevere and do the right thing is well worth the effort.
I know that in my business, I have the opportunity on a daily basis to make a real impact in people’s lives. Installing a ramp may allow someone to leave their home who hasn’t been able to do so for many years. Creating a wheelchair accessible bathroom may allow some to take a proper shower for the first time in years. Creating a safe and accessible home for a disabled veteran who served our country and can now live a little more comfortably is one of the greatest honors I have.
I would encourage each of you in this short month of February to take some time to reflect on your life. Think about what is important to you. If there are things you would like to do differently, ask God to help you. Thank you for letting me share my heart with you.
Contact Chris to learn more at 540-384-2064 or by email at cmoore@solidrockenterprises.com.